Thursday, August 22, 2013


Dear Whoever You Are,

Faith noun: 1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: 2. belief that is not based on proof

This blog is an exercise in pure, blind faith.
Do I know for sure that I will ever meet you?   Even then, will we be able to make it work?  Will you break my heart or will I break yours?  Can we work through the inevitable speed bumps and obstacles?
Damned if I know, but blind faith beats the alternative: not trying and never knowing.
It would be easy for me to be cynical and give up.  I’ve recently been stood up, treated rudely and lied to.  Not so long before that, I had to spend some time recovering from a romantic misadventure (I imagine you’ve been there too).
In the end, I flat-out refuse to be cynical.  I know too many people who persist in stewing in their hurts and disappointments.  That’s not for me, and I hope not for you either.  Really, what’s the point?  Cynicism gets you nowhere.
The nice thing about faith is that it eventually becomes certainty.  This certainty provides one with the strength to persist even when the odds are not in your favor.  I have little doubt that I will meet you, just as I believe we’ll be able to work together to create something amazing.
The other piece of this puzzle is courage.  I’ll see you somewhere and want to approach you.  I’ll need to must muster up that “twenty seconds of insane courage” (re: my previous letter) and start a conversation. Later on I’ll have to show some courage to tell you how I really feel, even if I’m unsure where you stand.  

In any case, I will continue to have faith...
Faith that you’re out there.
Faith that you’re worth waiting for.
Faith that I’m worth it.
Faith that you’ll be willing to work for something amazing.

I hope that when the time comes you’ll have some faith too...  
In yourself.
In me.
And yes, some faith in you and me.  

So I have this friend.  She has a big heart, but unfortunately I think that heart is a little heavy of late.  She’s grown cynical.  Not that I blame her… like me, she’s been lied to and stood up.  She’s had her patience tried and tested.  Please don’t give up, my friend.  I promise you, there’s a guy out there who can’t wait to meet you.  Have faith. Your day will come, if for no other reason than you deserve it.  When that guy approaches you who’s maybe a little awkward, who stumbles over his words and isn’t quite sure what to say next… give him a chance.  He may just be that guy.

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