Sunday, November 24, 2013

Faith, Renewed

Dear Whoever You Are,
Yesterday a guy that I've known for many years got engaged.  
Our paths often crossed... at college, in the workplace, on social media... and I was consistently befuddled as to why some lucky girl hadn't snatched him up.  He's a great guy: funny, positive and an amazing friend to everyone.  He has a big heart, too.  He puts on an annual dinner/ fundraiser from which the proceeds go to a variety of worthy causes (one of which has been something close to my heart).
Not so long ago, he began a relationship with a woman who I understand he had been friends with for some time.  That friendship evolved over time into something far more and very beautiful.  He held out for his perfect match, and what's more, he proved that what these messages to you have been about is a very real thing and is, indeed, possible.
Their engagement gave me a renewal of faith that you're out there and we'll meet when we should (according to some people, that day is right around the corner *cough* Rachel *cough*).
In any case, congratulations are due to Mike and Tracey on their engagement... as well as my thanks.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I Am Being Stalked By a Song

Dear Whoever You Are,
For some unfathomable reason, this song popped into my head a couple weeks ago.  While fairly popular it wasn’t a huge hit; nor did it It have any special resonance in my life.  The very next day I was on my way home from work and heard it on the radio.  
Hmmm… interesting coincidence.

So the other day I was on my way home from work yet again and there’s that song yet again.  I figured the radio programming gods, in their infinite wisdom, had dredged it out of the circa 2001 archives and put it back into rotation.  
The next song annoyed me (“Blurred Lines”... ugh) so I changed the station.  I crossed the bridge into Illinois and made my way through Rock Island to pick up my boys for our usual Wednesday dinner.  They get in my car and guess what... there’s that song again, this time on the other station.  Weird.  I swear, I am being stalked by this song.

Put aside for a moment the likelihood that I’ve just experienced a statistical anomaly of some sort and/ or the fact that “Wherever You Will Go” has merely been put back into pop radio rotation for a period of time.  Imagine that is this an instance of God or the universe trying to send me some sort of message.  If so, what would the message be?  The song, while very romantic and all, is in large part about a lost love.  I don’t see that as being a huge issue for me (no offense ex-girlfriends, but we’re all good).  So what would the message be then? Maybe you and I have already met at some point.  Maybe I’ve seen you somewhere and missed the chance to talk to you (were you the young lady I saw at Goodwill some months back?).  Maybe you’ve seen me and missed the chance to talk to me.  Maybe…

In the end, does any of that really matter?  
What ultimately matters right now is that I live my life as fully as I can and do the best I can by my boys.  I know you’re doing the best you can and doing right by you and yours.  I know that you’ll be a huge positive in my life and a great companion on my journey (which is exactly the subject of my next sermon).
And I trust that wherever you will go, it will eventually lead you to me.